Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides...For years, farmers have been "poisoning" their soils in the name of fertility and artificial crop yield. The truth is, most chemical solutions are nothing more than short-term band-aids, requiring more chemicals to maintain the same yield. They may provide temporary solutions, but the underlying nutritional debt just keeps getting bigger. Stop the band-aids and start the healing! Bio Minerals Technologies will show you how to restore your soil's natural fertility for greater sustainable yields with far fewer toxic inputs.
"The soil is the point at which the assembly lines of life all take off." (Dr. William Albrecht, PhD)
At Bio Minerals Technologies, we understand the soil. We understand the balances required in both composition and biology, and more important, we know how to restore those balances. We can help your soils recover from their chemically-induced sterility, revitalizing them through natural biology and trace minerals. We have the understanding and the tools to jump-start the natural processes once again, replenish the trace minerals, and restore your soils to their natural strength and vitality.
Bio Minerals Technologies provides the following products and services for your soil
Additional information about specific services is found in the links below.
Call us today at 435-753-2086
and we will show you how to rebuild your soils!Microbial mineral teas deliver a powerful blend of solubilized nutrients and microorganisms to your plants. This rich nutritional supplement is easily applied through pivots or foliar sprays, improving crop health and increasing yields. The brewing process and source materials grow immense numbers of beneficial bacteria and fungi. These beneficial microbes colonize the soils and the roots, converting and preparing nutrition and making it available in a form the plants can use. Our teas also create chelated trace minerals, providing instant and easily available nutrition to plants and soils. Benefits include:
For additional details and examples, view the articles listed below.
Call us today at 435-753-2086
and we'll set you up to brew your own success!For decades, farmers have been applying poisons to their soils; chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and more. These toxins frequently remain in your soils long after the crops are harvested, causing a buildup over time. Through proper microbiological balance, you can remediate these toxins and restore the health of your soil. Properly maintained soil requires fewer and fewer of these toxic inputs, eventually eliminating their use altogether. The result is a healthier soil, healthy plants, and greater harvests.
The proper balance of beneficial microorganisms is vital to the success of your crops. These microbes solubilize minerals in the soil, holding them in an available form for the plants to use. Bio Minerals Technologies helps you understand how the microbes work so you can manage them to your crop’s greatest advantage.
Plant nutrition is much more than just N, P, and K. There are many more critical mineral elements needed to provide not just plant structure, but plant function and performance. And the balance of these minerals is just as important as their presence. Complete plant nutrition reduces diseases and pests while increasing yields. Feed your plants a proper, balanced diet and see what they can do for you!